Down To Earth™, Bone Meal 3-15-0, All Natural Fertilizer, Single Ingredient (5 LBS.)
Down To Earth™, Bone Meal 3-15-0, All Natural Fertilizer, Single Ingredient (5 LBS.)
Promotes strong root development and enhances early season growth
A wonderful source of phosphorous and calcium for flowering plants, trees and ornamentals, Down To Earth Bone Meal is also recognized as the ideal organic fertilizer when planting bulbs.
As one of the three big nutrients for plants, phosphorous plays a role in both root and bloom development, which helps produce high-quality fruit and flowers. Phosphorus helps plants take to new soil by boosting root development. Strong root development means plants will grow faster and be healthier because they can absorb more water and nutrients from the soil. You will have larger carrots and potatoes, and flowers will produce bigger blossoms.
- Down to Earth Bone Meal is a five pound box of all natural fertilizer with 3-15-0 formula and is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production
- A wonderful source of readily available phosphorous and calcium for flowering plants, trees and ornamentals and is also recognized as the ideal organic fertilizer when planting bulbs
- A quintessential, traditional organic fertilizer that promotes strong root development and enhances early season growth and helps plants take to new soil by boosting root development
- Strong root development means plants will grow faster and be healthier because they can absorb more water and nutrients from the soil
- As one of the three big nutrients for plants, phosphorous plays a role in both root and bloom development, which helps produce high-quality fruit and flowers
- Down to Earth Bone Meal is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production
Bone Meal Application Rates For Containers:
For new plantings, add 1-2 tbsp. per gallon of soil and mix thoroughly or add 3-6 lbs. per cubic yard. For established plants, lightly mix 1-2 tbsp. per gallon into the soil surface once each month during the growing season.
Down To Earth™ | All Natural Fertilizers
Down To Earth™ features a complete line of natural and organic fertilizers, soil amendments, composts and potting media. They work with the microorganisms, fungi and organic matter in the soil to feed plants and stimulate growth. Our natural fertilizers are carefully blended from the best sources of organic nutrients in ideal proportions without the use of synthetics, growth stimulants or low quality fillers like poultry waste.You can be confident that you are giving your farm or garden the best product available, whether it’s a multi-purpose blend or a specialized soil amendment.
Many DTE™ fertilizers are approved for use in organic crop production. Please note the “OMRI” and “OIM” logos throughout the website. Certified organic operators are encouraged to check with their organic certifying agent to determine if any given product is acceptable before purchase, application and inclusion in their organic farm plan.